Gaming Code of Conduct

Games run for 1D4Con are inclusive social events open to everyone, where we intend that all participants may enjoy gaming in a fun and safe environment. Participants are expected to respect their fellow players and work together to create positive and memorable experiences. While conflict between characters may arise, at no time should a player or Game Facilitator feel excluded or threatened at the table:

  • Game facilitators (GM/DM/ST/Keeper/MC/etc) should utilize some kind of safety tool in their games. Please see our page on the use of Safety Tools at your table:
  • Participants must conduct themselves in a manner that is conducive to the enjoyment and safety of others at the event.
    • Adhere to the rating the of game you signed up to play and the collective buy-in from all players at your table.
      • For example: If it is not rated Adult, avoid excessively vulgar, sexual, or overly mature language and themes.
  • Follow the game facilitator’s lead, avoid arguing with them or other players over rules.
  • Let other players speak; avoid talking over others; allow other players to get some of the spotlight.
    • Avoid excessive cross-talk that is not relevant to the scenario being played.
  • Avoid phone conversations at the table. We get that life happens, so if you must take a call, please excuse yourself from the table until your call is completed.
  • While eating food from the venue is allowed, please be mindful of any necessary clean-up.
  • No tolerance is given for theft or aggressive behavior:
    • Theft and aggressive behavior are grounds for immediate removal from the play area and the premises.
      • Aggressive behavior includes threats of or actual physical aggression, using racial, gender, or cultural slurs against another participant, and otherwise harassing other participants.
        • Participants who feel as though they are in an unsafe environment should notify the organizer of the event immediately.
  • The game facilitator has the right to ask a disruptive player to leave the table and speak with the lead organizer(s) or Convention Staff.
  • The Convention Staff has the right to remove a disruptive or aggressive player or game facilitator from the play area or premises.