Charity Information

In 2014, we at 1d4Con wanted to make a difference in the community, so we started a Charity Drive called Games of Charity. We are continuing this tradition every year to this day…

[How and Why We Have Charity Drives]

It is simple, all attendees (including those who are GMs) may purchase tickets. These tickets will have a special 1d4Con stamp on them to denote authenticity to the event. Each person, may purchase as many tickets as they wish. They can then use those tickets in any games that identify themselves as part of the Games of Charity event, to gain special boons, such as re-rolls or bonuses to dice rolls. These tickets are not intended to break games, but to give you (the player) a slight advantage when needed or wanted.

For online events, Boons will be tracked by the UnbelievaBoat – Discord Bot.

100% of the proceeds collected from this Charity Drive will be donated to our chosen charity.

[The Current Charity]

Extra Life is our chosen charity again for 2024. Extra Life was started in 2008 and all proceeds are donated to chosen Miracle Network Children’s Hospitals.

“Extra Life unites thousands of gamers around the world to play games in support of their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Since its inception in 2008, Extra Life has raised more than $30 million for sick and injured kids. Sign up today and dedicate a day of play for kids in your community!”

This year’s donation page is

This year, we will split to raised money between Extra Life and a GoFundMe (Round 2) Rally for Paul Carlson.

Katie sitting with Paul Carlson at the 1D4Con Registration Desk. Frank, as Paul dubbed the 3D modeled monstrosity, stands proudly in front of the desk.

This year’s donation page is


These boons will be decided before the convention and will vary from game to game, some even allowing the DM/GM/ST to use these tickets as well. While you are not limited by the amount of tickets you can buy for this cause, you should be aware that each game will have different rules on what you can do with each ticket, when you can use tickets, and how many you can spend during a session. Please ask your participating GM about the ways in which you can use your tickets in their games and look for postings around the convention hall.

[Participating Games]

Depending on whether you are playing in-person or online, we have ways to use Boons. See the Games of Charity page for more information.

[Charity Raffle]

We are also holding a Raffle in the name of charity. We will have several items up for raffle, which are broken up into lots. Each lot will have a container in front to place tickets in. Saturday night, the Raffle will close, tickets will be pulled by the appointed staff members. Winners will be announced and able to pick up their winnings afterwards within a defined window of time. After that time has passed, any lots not yet claimed will be re-drawn and those winners will be announced.

[Special Games]

We will have Special charity-dedicated games. These games will have an extra cost to participate in. 100% of the money raised by these games will go to Extra Life.


All tickets will be purchasable at the Registration table and marked for charity use.

For online Boons, donate directly to our Extra Life Charity Page, noting your Discord Username and you will get Boons credited towards you.

Ticket Costs:
– “Game of Charity” Boons will cost $3 each.

PFS “Games of Charity” Boons will cost $5 each.

– “Charity Raffle” tickets are for in-person events only and will also cost $5 each.

***NOTE – All charity tickets will only be purchasable on-site during the convention. We accept CASH payment for any amount and credit cards with a minimum purchase of $5.***

[Past Charities]

2025: Extra Life and GoFundMe (Round 2) Rally for Paul Carlson

2024: Extra Life and GoFundMe (Round 1) for Paul Carlson

2018 – 2023: Extra Life

2017: The International Rescue Committee (IRC)

2015 – 2016: The Red Wagon Ministry

2014: Congregational Community Action Program (CCAP)

2013: N/A…